The OD process led by SHDF will lead to improve any organization’s; farmers groups or associations/unions; women’s groups; agribusiness associations; capacity to handle its internal and external functioning and relationships.
This would include such things as improved interpersonal and group processes, more effective communication, enhanced ability to cope with organizational problems of all kinds, more effective decision processes, more appropriate leadership style, improved skill in dealing with destructive conflict, and higher levels of trust and cooperation among organizational members. Over the years SHDF has established well-rooted grassroots structures from village to national level that are now being used by other organizations to penetrate communities.
These structures continuously undergo programs on leadership as the ability to influence other to work towards achieving a shared vision. The process involves inspiring leaders to work together as a team that collectively makes decision on how things should happen in order to achieve a shared vision.
The leadership program develops the analytical and advocacy capacity of leaders for effective pro-active advocacy. The leadership program covers aspects of leadership styles; structures; roles of leaders; how to elect leaders; succession planning; team building; constitution drafting; conflict resolution and peace building.

The range of BDS provided includes demand driven tailor-made programs, to suit needs of beneficiaries. The programs currently available are Credit Management, Farming as a Family Business, Marketing of Horticultural Produce, Contract Farming, Agro-dealer Business Management, Entrepreneurship for the Manufacturing Industry, and Business Management. In addition, coaching and mentoring is also used for enhanced capacity to build the entrepreneurs to become astute business people.
This service is provided at enterprise level with assistance being given on the business premise from basics such as business planning, marketing, record keeping, customer care to issues such as drafting business plans, strategic planning for businesses, marketing analysis.
Advisory services for entrepreneurs on financial mobilization, micro-finance management, market linkages, drafting business plans are also available.

Women and youth organized in savings clubs undergo trainings on constitutional literacy so that they become aware of their constitutional rights, roles and responsibilities.
We have a learning program in women’s rights, leadership, democracy, gender, advocacy and lobbying aimed at equipping women and youth where aspects of elections, constitution drafting are infused.
At the end of each training an advocacy plan is developed and followed through so that women practically lobby and advocate for particular issues affecting them

SHDF offers a wide range of vocational skills which are meant to provide women with the requisite expertise for production of various goods.
The program covers
(a) Textiles technology including making menstrual hygiene pads
(b) Detergents manufacturing;
(c) Handicrafts and fine arts; and (d) Agro-processing; among others.